LKS2 – Newsletter – 11.2.22
LKS2 have had a great Children’s Mental Health week!
In English this week, we continued learning about speech using the correct punctuation. We then looked at planning the story line for our newspaper report. Basing it on our topic book, There’s a Pharaoh in our Bath, we acted out the scenes up until where we have read. We focused on the main parts of the storyline making sure we acted out the parts in chronological order. We used our freeze frames to then plan our write.
In year 4 maths, we have started learning about fractions. We have completed a carousel of practical and fluency activities using lots of pictorial representations. This included a group in Miss Bennett’s class going outside and building an equivalent fraction wall. This week has been based around adding and subtracting fractions, unit and non unit fractions alongside other basic fraction work which will set us up for harder fraction work next week.

The theme of this year’s Children’s Mental Health week was growing together. To learn more about this, we focused on the idea of a growth mindset. Firstly, we all thought about something that we have got better at since September. We then thought about something we feel ‘stuck’ on and tried to understand why we were feeling this way. Some of the reasons we came up with included giving up or being scared of making mistakes in front of our friends. To combat this, we learnt many different ways to change out mindset from fixed to growth.

In year 3 maths, we have been learning the bus stop method when doing division questions. We used counters to split two digit numbers into equal groups then moved onto completing this with remainders.

In PE, we have continued to learn symmetry and asymmetry when making shapes with our bodies. We have advanced on simple shapes, and have now learnt how to roll, travel and jump in symmetrical and asymmetrical ways. After learning this, we got out the apparatus and used our knowledge to move around the room continuously using our poised gymnastics stance.
Important Reminders:
- An important Robinwood pack has gone home with Year 4 children tonight. If your child would like a souvenir, please return the form asap.