LKS2 – Newsletter – 14.01.22
What a fun-filled week LKS2 have had!
In English, we have continued our learning about Ancient Egyptians in preparation for us writing a non-chronological report next week. One of our activities was all about paragraphs. We were given a text which had no paragraphs and the sub-headings removed. We had to break the text up into sections, where we thought a new paragraph should start. This was when the author changed topic and started to speak about a different thing – including tombs and hieroglyphics.
In maths this week, Year 4 (Miss Boyd and Miss Bennett’s maths group) have continued their learning about short multiplication. Activities have included find the missing digit, purple mash and a ‘crack the code’ activity where the children had to find the location of holiday destinations using their short multiplication skills. This morning, a group in Miss Bennett’s class worked together to make a poster with instructions on how to successfully answer a short multiplication question. Year 4 have been fantastic this week, well done!
This week, the Y3s have been learning how to add and subtract amounts of money. Today, some children practised finding change from a £5 note, in our classroom café! They chose which item to buy, then took it to the shopkeeper. Together, they had to subtract the price of the item from £5 to calculate the correct change.
In Science this week, the children carried on their leaning about light. We focused on how light is reflected, and went around the classroom investigating which surfaces were best at reflecting light. We found that the best surfaces were shiny and flat, like a mirror!
In computing this week, LKS2 begun their learning about algorithms. To do this, they firstly wrote their own set of instructions about how to eat a bowl of cereal – thinking carefully about the specific actions they would need to take. Then, they used the Bee Bots to practice finding Egypt from different locations on a world map. This also allowed the children to apply their knowledge of the four compass points.
In green time this week, some children got to meet the new school bunnies! They were so excited and had a great afternoon in the school garden.
Important Reminders
Y4 – The final payment for Robin Wood is due on Monday 17th January 2022.
Have a great weekend!
LKS2 Team