LKS2 Newsletter 14.10.22
Happy Friday all! We have had another busy week in KS2 this week and we’re sure the children are all ready for a lovely rest at the weekend!
In French this week, we learned the French words for different body parts. We completed a matching game where everyone was given a picture of a French word and we had to race to find our matching partner. Then we used our new vocabulary to sing Head Shoulders Knees and Toes!
In English we have continued to read ‘The Wild Way Home’ and have been busy planning our viewpoint narratives, learning our new spelling words and learning the meaning of some new vocabulary.
Miss Evans maths group have had a fantastic time learning all about Roman Numerals! We explored making and writing Roman Numerals to 100. To start, we made our own key to help us, showing the value of I, V, X, L, and C. Then we rolled a dice twice to generate a two digit number. Using resources from outside such as sticks and pebbles we had to make the Roman Numeral for this number. After this, we went back inside and took on some Roman Numeral challenges with our partner, for example writing number sequences.
In Maths this week, Miss Bennett’s group (Y4) have been learning all about roman numerals! On Monday, we went outside and used any resources we could find to make lots of different numbers. This helped us create a key that we used to code break on Tuesday!
In Mrs Greaves’ maths group we have been ordering and comparing numbers up to 1000. We have done this practically by making 3-digit numbers by rolling dice and placing these numbers on a number line. Additionally, we have been using Mathletics to consolidate our learning and have spent time practicing our times tables on Times Tables Rock Stars.
This week has been Mental Health Awareness week and we have been doing plenty of activities to support this. We spent some time talking about how to support one another and make people happy. We spent some time doing some calm and relaxing activities outside which included cloud gazing, yoga and grounding!
Thank you to all the parents who were able to attend out time tables workshop on Thursday. The children were excited to showcase their work and we hope you found this useful.
We have been so impressed with all of the homework we have received this week. It has been fantastic to see say many children building on their learning whilst at home! Keep it up LKS2!
Have a lovely weekend!
LKS2 team