LKS2 – Newsletter – 15.07.22
What a great week LKS2 have had!
On Monday, we had our sports morning. We took part in several different races, including sack race, egg and spoon and relay. The children showed fantastic sportsmanship and teamwork throughout, and it was a great morning in the sun.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, KS2 went to the big swing! All classes had a great time, filled with lots of games, playing and adventure. Lots of children faced their fear of heights, and it was fantastic to see everyone being so brave and resilient. The children made Cookridge proud!

In maths this week, the children in Year 4 have been learning about symmetry. This includes identifying lines of symmetry on 2-D shapes, and also drawing symmetrical figures. In Miss Bennett’s class, the children had a turn at designing their own symmetrical art, thinking carefully about colours, position and direction. Look at some of the amazing pieces they created!

In maths today, Miss Evans’ group had a go at modelling 3D shapes using different materials. We used straws, blu tac, play dough, skewers, paper nets and pipe cleaners to create a variety of shapes, thinking carefully about the number of edges, vertices and faces each shape needed.
On Thursday, Class 5 enjoyed their last rounders lesson in PE. Throughout this half term the children have worked extremely hard on their fielding and batting skills, as well as understanding the rules of rounders. This week they managed to run their own rounders game, keeping track of scores and making sure everyone understood their role. There was some brilliant teamwork on display, well done Class 5 🙂

This afternoon, we held the Cookridge Primary School Summer Fair. A huge thank you to everyone who has brought items in this week, baked, helped and attended today! The money raised will be going towards a new projector for school, which will enhance learning for all pupils and will be a great addition to school.
Important notices:
- Monday and Tuesday – The weather on Monday and Tuesday is expected to be extremely hot. Please send your child to school in cool clothes with a water bottle.
- School Uniform – Children no longer have to wear school uniform between now and the end of term.
- Reading Books – Please send your child’s reading book back to school as soon as possible.
- Thursday 21st July 2022 – This is the last day of the school year.
Have a great weekend in the sun!
LKS2 Team