LKS2 – Newsletter – 16.10.20

LKS2 have worked tremendously hard this week and we are very proud of all of their efforts. 

On Monday, we enjoyed a day filled with Art, Music and PE.

This week in English, Year 3/ 4 have been continuing their learning about the Stone Age but this week, we focused more in depth on animals of the Stone Age. We learnt that many animals, such as woolly rhinoceros’ and sabre-toothed cats are not around today but are ancestors of other animals we have around today.  We have been selecing words from a fact file that we are unsure of, using our meaning breakdown strategies to try and understand them, and then finally using our dictionary skills to check our meaning breakdown.

In Computing this week, Class 7 have been familiarising themselves with Purple Mash. We practiced logging into the laptops using our personal log in details, using the browser to search Purple Mash, and then completed various maths and science games to aid our understanding of how the website works.  

Miss Boyd’s maths group have been working super hard to strengthen their times table skills this week in preparation for the year 4 times table check later on in the year. Specifically, they have been learning their 6, 7 and 9 times table alongside enhancing their knowledge of multiples of 25 and 1000. 

Mr Gamble’s maths group have been learning how to count in multiples of 8 this week. They have really impressed him with how quickly they have improved on their 8x tables knowledge and have begun to use this to solve a range of problems and challenges.

In Science, we discussed various types of soils including top soil and sub soil. We created our own story to help us understand what happens to leaves when they fall off a tree and land on the ground. We worked so hard to include a lot of the scientific language such as compressed, organic matter, sediments and decompose.

Well done to our superb Learnatics this week, you have all worked so hard. Keep it up!

A reminder to Year 3 that we have a full Stone Age Day outside on Monday 19th so children will need to come in forest school kit with an extra pair of indoor shoes please. Dress for the weather!

The year 4 Stone Age Day will be on Tuesday 20th, children will need the same as above on this day. 

A final reminder to parents that homework has been and will be set through Purple Mash and the children have their own log in details. These details have recently been handed out to each child. Homework for this week is due in next Monday. 

We hope you all have a great weekend 🙂 

The LKS2 Team 


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