LKS2 – Newsletter – 17.11.23
We have finished week 2 and what an exciting week it has been!
In Science, we thought about the statement “slime is a solid”. To assess this, we made our own slime, using cornflour, water and food colouring. We each decided the amount of water to add to the cornflour to change the consistency. This proved to be very messy indeed! Then, we thought about some key questions, such as “what does the slime feel like?” and “does the slime move easily?”. These questions helped us in the next part of the session, where we debated the statement using our opinion corners. The lesson helped us think about the definitions and properties of solids, liquids and gases.

In maths, Year 4 helped Mrs Hunter to cost out the remodelling of the playground. She wanted to update some of the equipment in the playground but she didn’t know which ones to update first. She needed their help to work out the cost of some combinations and work within the budgets provided. Mrs Hunter wanted to know we were accurate in our working out and thinking and she wanted see our find, reason and answer. We had to use our reasoning strategies – find, reason and answer – in order to help Mrs Hunter work out the cost of the new equipment.

Pupils in LKS2 have continued to build on their knowledge of Forest School games in their sessions. We revisited why games are important and what makes them fun and fair. Then we played some familiar Forest School games such as Ninja Sticks and Fire and Tarps before learning two new ones. First of all, we played a version of rock, paper, scissors using our bodies to represent the objects we wanted to be. We then discussed how we could change the game to different actions using nature or things we do in Forest School. The second game we learnt was ‘Stick Toss’ where we had to transfer a stick from one player to another; being careful not to drop it! We began by rolling the stick to a partner before up-levelling the game by introducing the harder challenge of tossing the stick without it touching the floor. We then came together to discuss successes and shared tips for everyone to try to make the game easier.

In PE, despite the weather, Year 3 made it outside this week for a fitness PE session. We enjoyed testing our agility and building our strength in different sprinting and ball throwing activities! Everyone worked so hard in their teams to challenge themself and beat their own high scores.

We also had the opportunity to receive a special golf lesson from Harry at Cookridge Hall! We learnt the correct way to hold a putter and an iron. We developed our skills by playing different games that challenged us to chip the ball against a target, to hit cones and score points and to consider the strength of our putt.

We cannot wait to see what fun opportunities next week brings!
Please remember, next week is Week 2 and forest schools is on Thursday.