LKS2 – Newsletter – 17.12.21
Happy last day of term!
This week we completed our local history study! Over the last few weeks, we have researched three key places in Leeds and studied the history that surrounds them. We have used a range of sources, including newspaper articles, pictures, videos, websites and non-chronological reports to gather information. The children have taken real pride putting together their projects, and we were impressed with the finished products!

In English this week, we have been looking into poetry. The lessons mainly focused on the features of a poem and we even ended the week by writing our own! Our stimuli was a wintery scene, with crunchy, white snow and whistling wind through the trees. We learnt what rhyming couplets, verses and stanzas are and applied these when writing our own. Here are some examples of our wintery poems:

In RE this week, we recapped the nativity story together, focusing on key events such as where Jesus was born and the three wise men’s journey. We then focused on why this is an important event for Christians and how it is remembered today. Our main focus was that Christmas time is seen by many, religious or not, as a time for giving, gratitude and making others happy. We also learnt key facts surrounding Jesus such as his many names (miracle, Messiah, servant, son of man, Christ and Rabbi). We then looked at Jesus, how he is seen as a miracle and some of the miracles of Jesus stories such as turning water into wine and healing the sick. To finish the lesson, we looked at how Jesus’ miracle stories are replicated in today’s era by charity work, volunteering and helping others. As our task, we created our own Christmas cards with kind messages in which will be sent to a local care home to spread joy this Christmas.

Well done to our learnatics this week:
Class 5 – Tony
Class 6 – Zach S and Sofia
Class 7 – Josh and Leo
You are all superstars!!
To all parents:
- We are closed on 3rd January.
To year 4 parents:
- There will be no swimming on Wednesday 5th.
- The final payment date for Robinwood is 17th All payments need to be completed by this date.