LKS2 – Newsletter – 19.01.2024
What a brilliant week!
This week, the children have been working hard to write a diary entry about the privilege of mummifying Tutankhamun. They have been focussing on using possessive apostrophes and commas after fronted adverbials. The fronted adverbials have made their writing very interesting and their creativity has been great.
This week, we explored equivalent fractions and their families. We used a range of pictorial representations to investigate equivalent fractions and identify relationships between fractions with different denominators. We matched lots of different pictorial representations of fractions, writing the fraction which was represented. Then, we looked for and discussed links between fraction families. We used our times tables knowledge to notice the links between multiples in both the numerator and denominator of the fractions, helping us understand equivalent fractions.

Today, the children furthered their understanding of what sound is by investigating sound sources around school. They conducted a ‘sound survery’ across school, which included their own records and creating a table to present their findings once back in the classroom.
Today, we practised using algorithms on 2Code on Purple Mash and using Blue Bots. On 2Code, we input commands such as ‘fd 2’ and ‘rt 90’ to instruct our character to move around the screen. We tried creating patterns and navigating around a maze. We used the Blue Bots to challenge our partner to travel from one country to another, thinking carefully about the algorithm we must input before pressing go!
This week in PE, Year 3 developed their tracking and collecting skills with the ball. We practised keeping our eyes focused on the ball, applying a ready position (knees bent, feet shoulder width apart, on your toes) and keeping body our body in-line with the ball. We also used our communication skills to coach our partner and had to show perseverance as the task got harder. We practised with some activities before applying our skills to a paired game.
This week, despite the cold and in glorious winter sunshine, pupils in LkS2 progressed their learning in fire making from last week. Working in groups, teams had to combine their knowledge of fire lays and how to construct them and how to create a spark using flint and steel to start their own fires whilst managing their, and each other’s, risk at all time by observing the safety rules discussed. Despite the cold air and multiple failures in lighting fires, all groups throughout the sessions were determined and resilient, even when things didn’t go to plan, whilst demonstrating excellent levels of teamwork and communication. When reviewing and reflecting on the session, pupils were able to describe successes and what had brought about it whilst also pinpointing where things went wrong, articulating reasons for failures and what they’d do differently next time.
We also wanted to give a special mention to Edie Dabill who has showed outstanding compassion and thoughtfulness towards others. Over the holidays, Edie cut 15 inches of her hair to donate it to The Little Princess Trust. She went above and beyond to support a charity and has already raised a massive £845. She has earned herself 50 team points and should be very proud of herself!

If you would like to donate to Edie’s fundraising, please follow the link below.
Well done LKS2!