LKS2- Newsletter 21.06.24

This week, was one of our favourites, because we had Sport’s Day!! Miss Bourne did a fantastic job organising different races and field events for us to compete in. There were so many activities to showcase our sporting abilities which we have developed this year and to help our team win points. Thankyou to all the adults who were able to come and support us for this exciting day, we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did! 





















































































In English, we recapped on our spellings and homophones. On the tables we had a range of activities for us to practise your homophones/near homophones. We also got a passage of writing that has both spellings and homophones spelled incorrectly. We had to correct the spellings using our spelling strategies in the margins.








In Geography, we applied our learning through this term to design our own treasure map of Lindisfarne using map symbols, grid references, compass directions and map keys. We created a list of instructions to challenge our partner to move around our map and find our treasure. 



















Just a reminder to all parents and carers that this weekend is the Summer Fair. There are so many wonderful things organised and we hope you are able to come along and join in the fun!




Contact Us

Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500