LKS2 – Newsletter – 21.10.22
LKS2 have had a fun-filled week to end the half term!
On Monday and Tuesday, Year 3/4 took part in a Stone Age Day. This was a chance to spend the day outside as the stone age people would have. Our challenge was to survive! The children had to create shelter, find water and food to see if their tribe would have lived through a stone age day. It was a fantastic day and the children wowed us by applying everything we have learnt in history to help them survive.

This week in English, we have been writing our viewpoint narrative about meeting a Stone Age Boy. The children are extremely proud of their work so if you’d like to ask them about their Stone Age Story, we’re sure they would love to share it with you!
Miss Bennett’s maths class have been learning all about column addition with exchanging this week. We went shopping at Bennett’s Bargains, solved lots of missing number problems, and used place value counters to help us physically exchange when adding four digit numbers.
In computing this week, we were learning all about how to stay safe online. To do this, we partook in a carousel of activities, including a quiz, a word search and other team games to help us think about the ways to stay safe online.

In geography this week, we used our knowledge of grid coordinates to create our own maps. Not only did we have to use our knowledge of coordinates, but we also created a key and used the 8 compass points to direct our friends to find the treasure on our map.
Important notices
- We have had several parents asking about where to find the homework grid, if children would like to complete homework over the holidays. This is located on our website: children > homework > LKS2.
- School reopens on the Monday 31st October 2022.
We would like to thank you for your continued support this half term. The children have settled in to their classes, and LKS2, very well. We are so proud of their hard work and everything they have achieved so far. Keep it up LKS2 and we hope you all have a lovely half term break!
LKS2 Team