LKS2 – Newsletter – 21.11.21
Week 4 has been an exciting week in LKS2 filled with lots of enjoyable activities.
In PE, the Year 3s had another great dance lesson as part of their PE learning for this half term. We started by learning some funky dance moves inspired by underwater animals such as starfish and crabs. We enjoyed practising them to ‘Under The Sea’ from A Little Mermaid! Then we put together a routine which was to a slower, classical piece of music. The music made us think of calm waters and we tried to reflect this in our movements. At the end of the lesson we discussed performance skills (always have a smile!), and had time to split into two groups and watch each other perform the dance.

In maths this week. the year 4s have been following on with column subtraction and recapping the method through various activities such as using money, missing digits in a column subtraction and reasoning and problem solving activities. Next week, we will move onto looking at one and two step word problems using the addition and subtraction columnar methods we have learnt in the past few weeks.

In English, we have continued with our Animals of Farthing Wood topic book and used this to help us understand the features of a diary entry. We have annotated a diary from the character Fox’s perspective, picking out key features such as first person pronouns, past tense and use of characters emotions. We also used our meaning breakdown strategies to unpick the meanings of certain, unfamiliar words.

In PSHE, year 3 learnt all about keeping safe. We focused on what self-care is zoning in on hygiene, hazards and medicines.
The year 4s focused on how to show respect to others and how we should treat other people fairly without any discriminations or denying them rights.

LKS2 had a fab, if a little chilly, Forest School session this morning! We started by looking at the fire triangle and discussing the three things that are needed to make a fire. Then we learned what a fire lay is, and explored the 6 different types of fire lay. We gathered sticks of various sizes and tried to make every type, including a teepee and an altar. We had pictures to help and had to use a lot of resilience to recreate them, especially when we had to balance sticks and they kept falling over! We also all had a go at using a flint to create a spark, and some of us even managed to set some cotton wool on fire. Hopefully in the future we’ll use these skills to start a proper fire and maybe even make some hot chocolate!

Important notices:
- The weather is getting increasingly colder so please send your child in suitable clothing with a coat and warm items (hat, scarf, gloves).
- Children need to be in PE kit on Monday.
Enjoy your weekends!
The LKS2 Team