LKS2 – Newsletter – 22.06.23
We’ve had another busy week in LKS2!
In maths this week, Year 4 have continued their learning about angles, looking at comparing and ordering angles, then moving on to shape. We have continued to use mathematical vocabulary around this topic and apply it to our work. We all had shapes on our tables and labelled them with their names and their properties. We worked as a group to make these posters all about various shapes such as hexagons, pentagons, heptagons, decagons and circles.

Year 3 have been looking at different 3D shapes. We explored their properties by handling 3D shapes and counting features like faces, edges, vertices and curved edges. We then wrote the properties down on a table and discussed the differences. We then used this to help us guess what shape was in the feely bag.

In reading this week, Year 3 have been looking at explain. We read some short extracts from our book, focussing on the mood of the text. We discussed the overall message and how the author communicates this. We sorted these extracts onto some sugar paper separating the positive mood from the negative mood. Finally, we annotated the extracts to show the particular words and phrases that contributed to these mood changes.
This week, we completed our history projects that we have been working on over this half term, all about European history. We started our research by creating a time line outlining the key events of our chosen topic. Then we undertook more detailed research using a range of sources including fact files, pictures and online search engines. We recorded our findings on a notes page, organising the research into relevant categories such as ‘important people’. Finally, we chose how we wanted to present our research and brought everything we had learned together in either a poster, non-chronological report or Power Point presentation.

In Forest Schools this week, we had great fun exploring different elements of Forest Schools. This included: using our investigation skills to estimate the height of different trees, exploring the herb garden and considering our mental well-being through yoga, quiet time and reading in the garden.

Today in PSHE, Year 4 continued their learning all about risk. We played a game to help us define things as dangerous, risky or safe, and discussed the best solutions to the things that are risky or dangerous. We talked specifically about the dangers of walking to school and crossing the roads, and what we could do to minimise these risks, for example, what different things we do on the way to swimming to minimise the risk.

Today, we enjoyed a PE session outside. The children were given a choice of two alternative sports; frisbee or yoga. We had a great time exploring these new sports and linking them to other skills we have used in PE.

Important Notices and Key Dates
Please check the new timetables on the website for information on PE and Forest School days. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately on these days.
If your child is in Year 4, please complete the form for Children’s Day by Monday 26th June.
Thursday 29th June 2023 – Please join us at school for a celebration of our Europe topic. See the website for more details.