LKS2 Newsletter 22/10/20
Happy holidays! This half term has flown by, and all the LKS2 staff have been impressed with the maturity and resilience of the children, who have returned to school with fantastic attitudes. Thank you as always to all children and their families for your support over what continues to be an unpredictable time!
We’ve had a jam packed final week, kick starting with 2 topic days all about the Stone Age. On our Forest School day, the children travelled back in time and became part of a prehistoric tribe who were tasked with surviving. Tribes created shelters, hunted and gathered food, created tribe symbols and standards to ward off rivals and created stores to protect their invaluable food. Tribes also created hunting weapons, tools and cooked before their shelters were tested by a sudden downpour – most proved to be waterproof! Both Year 3 and Year 4 highly impressed the teachers with their levels of teamwork, resilience…and fun!

We also had a fantastic indoor day of learning about the Stone Age, and started to look at how life began to change in the Bronze Age. We created a giant Venn diagram, played a card game where we took on the role of prehistoric humans, and used our computer skills to research all about a Stone Age settlement.

The week has ended with our final Science lesson on Rocks and Fossils. The children became paleontologists, and excavated the fossils that we made a few weeks ago! They chose their own tools to help with the excavation, and used the magnifying glasses to observe and comment on the fossils. They also completed several matching and ordering activities to consolidate their learning from the half term.

What a week!
Reminder – please remember that it is a PE day when the children return to school on Monday 2nd November, so all children must come to school in their PE kits.
Have a fantastic week off, and a well deserved rest. See you all soon!
The LKS2 team 🙂