LKS2 Newsletter 22/4/22
LKS2 have had a flying start to the term! The children have come back from the holidays full of energy and are already enjoying immersing themselves in our new topics.
Yesterday, the Y3s were lucky enough to go on a trip to Murton Park. They spent the day living and working as real Vikings! They spent time in a Viking village, exploring buildings such as a longhouse, and taking part in every day Viking activities such as candle making and collecting sticks. The most exciting part was when the children learned how to guard the village using a spear and a shield. This came in handy later in the day when the village was attacked by Anglo Saxons, and we had to scare them away! The children were enthusiastic, polite and really did Cookridge proud.
Whilst the Y3s were on the trip, the Y4s started the new Science topic, Electricity. They started by thinking about different electrical appliances. They worked in groups to separate lots of items in to a Venn diagram. They separated them into battery-powered appliances and mains-powered appliances.

This morning, our first History lesson introduced the Vikings and their longships, and we looked at primary and secondary sources to gather information. Pupils learnt about the features of Viking longships, how they were used and why they were so successful. Then in Forest School, they put this knowledge into practice by building their own ship with two objectives – it must float and it must include features of longships. After planning their design, groups used a variety of knots and natural resources to help create the base of their ship before using a wide range of tools, including bow saws, loppers and whittling knives, for different purposes.

Today, the children enjoyed a PSHE lesson all about team work. We discussed what teamwork means, then looked at various problem solving words and phrases which are effective to use when working as a team, for example sentence starters like ‘Have you thought about…’ and ‘Maybe we could try…’ In groups we tried to solve a riddle, by having an effective discussion using these sentence stems. Finally, we worked in pairs to write a perfect recipe for teamwork.

The Y4s are going to Murton park next week on Thursday, 28th April. If you haven’t already, please ensure you have filled out the permission slip on the website. Please see your class teacher if you have any questions.
Monday is a PE day so please send your child to school in their PE kit.
We hope you have a lovely weekend!
The LKS2 Team 🙂