LKS2 – Newsletter – 23/9/19
Another week over, and what a fantastic week it was!!
Key Stage 2 kick started the week with an exciting and eventful Spelling Shed Assembly. Two pupils, with help from their teams, played to earn themselves team points. Lucy and Lydia managed to earn 30 points for Blue Team and Tayba won 5 team points for Yellow Team.

Whilst Y4 were swimming on Wednesday afternoon, the Y3s enjoyed a PE lesson outside. We continued to practise the skill of weaving in and out of each other, and also practised going from walking to jogging to sprinting, which required a good awareness of the space around us. Then we created our own games using apparatus. The games had to include a form of weaving, attackers and defenders, throwing and scoring.

In Science this week, we continued learning about classification keys, and using them to identify and group living things. We had a go at creating our own classification key for leaves. Children had to think carefully about the questions they were using, the features of the leaves and how to separate leaves.

In Miss Boyd’s Maths group, we started learning Roman numerals. We played games together as a class to understand and learn numerals up to 20 and even challenged ourselves to learn 50, 100, 500 and 1000! As a table we then had to sort our cards and match up the numerals to the correct number.

And finally, our English work this week has focused on adding ‘shun’ suffixes to root words correctly and then applying these words into our writing. As part of this, we used puppets to create a play and thought of ways to use ‘tion’ ‘ssion’ ‘sion’ and ‘cian’ words in it. We also wrote our own stories about pond wildlife, using as many ‘shun’ words as possible!
Overall, it was a fantastic week for all of our LKS2 students, full of creativity and learning!