LKS2 – Newsletter – 24.9.21
What a great week LKS2 have had!
In maths this week, Miss Bennett’s group (class 6 and 7) consolidated their place value knowledge, using number lines and counting in 10’s, 100’s and 1000’s. They also began learning about rounding, focusing on rounding numbers to the nearest 10. We did this by ordering lots of different numbers and deciding which two 10’s it was in-between. Then, we visualised which 10 it was closest to. Miss Bennett’s group have shown great resilience and teamwork with their activities this week!

This week in maths, Miss Boyd’s group (class 6 and 7) have been working so hard to understand rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. As it is the first time learning rounding for some of us, we have all aced it and Miss Boyd has been super impressed!

The Year 3s had a brilliant PE lesson in the sun on Wednesday, carrying on working on our cricket skills. The focus was fielding, and the children completed some games which required accurate throwing and catching skills. Firstly, they got into pairs and stood at opposite cones which represented their ‘planet’. After completing 2 passes of the tennis ball, they had to run to another planet in the galaxy and complete 2 more passes. In 1 minute they had to travel around the whole galaxy! After this, the children worked in groups of 6. 3 children had to complete 20 passes of the tennis ball, whilst another 2 children acted as the batters, counting how many runs they could complete. When the fielders had thrown the ball 20 times, they passed it to their wicket keeper and the runners had to stop. There was some great teamwork, communication and fielding skills on display!

LKS2 all had fantastic science lessons this week! As part of our learning about classification keys, we learned about how to identify different types of leaf. We foraged around the school grounds looking for various kinds of leaves, discussing their different shapes, sizes and colours. Then we brought them back inside and used an identification sheet to find out what kind of leaves we had collected! Finally, we sketched and labelled the leaves in our books.

Today in LKS2, we had a cross-curricular morning. In forest schools, we searched the school grounds for different habitats and discussed living things may live there. Then, we made birds-eye view maps of school out of natural resources.

In geography today, LKS2 looked at their local geography. We looked at a variety of different maps and discussed the differences between physical and human features. Then, we sketched a map of Cookridge and labelled the key features on.

If you have not yet signed the online form/paid on parent pay for the Bolton Abbey trip, please do so as soon as possible. If you have any questions, see your child’s class teacher.
Please note Monday 27th September 2021 is a training day for all pupils.
Y4’s – If you have not yet returned the Robin Wood form to school, please do so.
Have a great weekend,
LKS2 Team