LKS2 – Newsletter – 26.04.24
Another fantastic week comes to an end in LKS2!
We have enjoyed a range of new PE activities. On Tuesday, Year 3 started their new PE topic of Basketball. They started the term by learning and practising their dribbling skills. We discussed what the best technique for dribbling is, and after some practise, we did some relays in our teams. Year 4, had their first cricket session with Tom Garman. They practised their catching and throwing skills, including improving their accuracy of throws, and then worked on some bowling skills in their groups.

In class 6 and 7 Maths, the children started their learning about length and perimeter. They went outside to measure different 2-D shapes and worked out their perimeter. After having carefully measured each side of a shape, they wrote down their number sentence and worked out the perimeter.

In Science, we continued our topic of electricity. We focused on circuits and the different types of components that can be used. The children investigated components like buzzers, fans, motors and blubs by creating their own circuits. Then, they drew their own circuits and learnt some basic skills for drawing accurate electrical circuits.

In English, we continued to explore our grammar goal ‘to use a range of sentences in our writing’. We categorised sentences about the Viking raid on Lindisfarne into compound, complex and simple sentences. We then challenged ourselves to create some of our own sentences about this historical event and then we wrote them into our book.

Key upcoming dates:
- Jorvik school trip – 10th May
- Pattern Day- 23rd May