LKS2 – Newsletter – 26.3.21
Happy Friday!
We have all enjoyed another week in LKS2.
On Monday, we had lots of fun in Art, music and P.E outdoors.
In maths this week, Miss Boyd’s group have been focusing on learning the place value of numbers in the tenths and hundredths column. We have been recognising the value in various ways and then counting on in tenths and hundredths. We have all worked incredibly hard and Miss Boyd is blown away by our decimal knowledge!

This week in maths, Mr Gamble’s group have been learning how to solve problems using the basic skills required in Year 3, such as place value, number bonds, times tables and mental addition and subtraction. Today, they used a wide range of skills and strategies to solve various problems involving digit cards. They used the cards to make odd and even numbers that were less or larger than other three digit numbers and also solved reasoning problems which tested their resilience and teamwork.

Miss Evans’ class have worked incredibly hard this week, learning about tenths and hundredths. They have explored the value of decimal numbers, and leaned that ten hundredths is equal to one tenth. Some children enjoyed cutting and sticking decimal numbers on a number line which was going up in hundredths. Another group worked together to answer some reasoning problems.

English lessons this week concluded with each of us becoming Celtic journalists! We planned and wrote our own newspaper article on the events of the Battle at Camulodunum (Battle of Colchester) between the Celts and the Romans.
This week in PE, we all continued playing the game Capture the Flag. We made our own flags and bases and came up with our own team names. This time, we split into four team point groups, made up new rules and worked on our team work. We managed to create and play a better game this week, learning from our mistakes and challenges from last week’s games.

In science, we have been following on with our Animals including Humans topic and have been diving deeper into food chains exploring various language such as producers, consumers, herbivores, omnivores and carnivores. On Tuesday, we created our own food chain and were able to label using these key words and describe each living thing’s role within the food chain.
Important messages:
All of LKS2 will be on the field at lunch times next week therefore will need a pair of indoor shoes AND outdoor shoes. The outdoor shoes will need to be left in school for the week and taken home again on Friday.
We hope you enjoy your weekends,
The LKS2 Team