LKS2 – Newsletter – 27.05.22
What a great week we have had to end the half term!
On Tuesday, we had a very exciting English lesson – acting out our very own Viking raid and feast! First, we had to sail back to Scandinavia in our long ships after a tricky battle, before heading back to our long houses (classrooms), for a feast! This included listening to Skalds (Viking poems), hearing a speech from the Jarl (chief) and tucking in to bread, dried fruit and oranges. We used this as a stimulus to plan our writing, and have spent the rest of the week writing some fantastic historical narratives!

In Miss Evans’ Maths group, we have started learning how to tell the time! Today, we went outside and drew clocks on the playground. We made sure to evenly space our numbers and practised counting in 5s forwards and backwards from the 12 to find times past and to. In small groups, one person said a time and the other two had to make it, with one child being the minute hand and one person being the hour hand.

In maths, Year 4 have continued with their learning about time, by moving on to more challenging reasoning questions. We have continued converting time between analogue and digital, as well as solving problems including years, months and the duration of time that has passed.

To celebrate the jubilee, we wore red, white and blue to school today. We all went out on the field together for a school photo for the first time in a long time!

We are so proud of all of everything the children have achieved this half term and hope you all have a well-deserved, restful break.
Thank you for your continued support,
The LKS2 team