LKS2 Newsletter 27/11/20
Good afternoon, and happy weekend! We’ve had a busy, fun – filled week in LKS2….
Year 4 had a wonderful afternoon of Forest School on Tuesday. They experienced life in a Bronze Age village and took part in a daily task – providing a meal for the village. Working together, ‘families’ mixed simple ingredients for bread, built and lit a fire, and whittled skewers out of wood. Fortunately, the village pulled together enough and worked hard so that every member of the village would have had enough food for the evening. There was some fantastic team work and resilience on display!

Miss Boyd’s maths group have had fun this week, learning how to master short multiplication. They have been working in groups to create their own 3 digit numbers using dice and picking out one numbered ball to multiply the 3 digit number by. They have even challenged themselves by working out 4 digit by one digit short multiplication!

Miss Evans’ maths group have spent the week getting their heads round 1 and 2 step word problems. It has certainly been a challenge, but the children showed excellent resilience. They learned to under line key information and now know the vocabulary to look out for which tells them whether they need to do an addition or a subtraction. They ended the week by answering word problems in groups, and showed great problem solving skills throughout.

In Geography this week, year 3’s began by recapping the continents of the world. They looked closely into the seven continents, some countries from each continent and where on a map they are. They then moved onto investigating what a compass is and discussing how one works. The four main compass points were identified and used when the children explored on a map where countries were in relation to each other. Then, they looked into the 4 diagonal direction compass points North East, North West, South East and South West. Finally, they explored what an OS map looks like and began to understand how to read one. Using an OS map and grid references, they were able to decode a hidden message.

The children are greatly enjoying their Science topic of Electricity, and this week they continued to use their skills of making a simple circuit using wires, a cell and an appliance. They added different materials into their circuits to test whether or not they conducted electricity. The children made some excellent scientific observations, for example they noticed that all the materials which were conductors were made of metal.

Today in Forest School, children warmed themselves up by playing a game of ‘Fire and Tarps’ then they were set a challenge – to create an autumnal decoration. They were set only three rules.
- It had to have a frame.
- It could only be bound together using frapping – weaving string over and over, no knots allowed!
- To include autumnal items.
The rest was up to them! Children decided to work in pairs or on their own, chose their design and coloured string and learnt how to use a bow saw to cut their pieces of wood to the correct size. They had to problem solve, communicate, be determined and creative and the results reflect their hard work and effort. Well done!

Monday is a PE day – please remember to send your child to school in PE kit!
If your child is an actor in the Christmas film, they have received a letter today about providing a costume. If you have any questions, please ask your child’s class teacher.
Have a lovely weekend,
The LKS2 team 🙂