LKS2 – Newsletter – 28.01.22
We’ve had another busy week in LKS2!
In English this week, we have started a new writing process based on our new text, ‘There’s a Pharaoh in our bath!’ by Jeremy Strong. We will be writing a newspaper report, and to prepare for this, we have been learning about the different features – including headlines, the 5 W’s and direct speech. Yesterday, we used real newspapers, such as The Daily Telegraph and the children’s newspaper First News, alongside our success criteria to pick out each feature and stick it onto an A3 sheet of paper.

In maths this week, Year 4 have been continuing with their learning of short division. In Miss Bennett’s group (Class 6 and 7), children have completed a range of activities, such as word problems, ‘spot the mistake’ and using practical resources such as Numicon and lolly sticks to help with regrouping and finding remainders. One group in Miss Bennett’s group have been focusing on their 3 x tables, completing a range of practical activities to help them consolidate their knowledge. On Monday, the children went outside and found groups of 3, even putting themselves in to groups of 3!

This week in maths, Miss Boyd’s group have been continuing with short division, but have been looking at complex reasoning and problem solving activities involving remainders.

LKS2 have developed their learning of algorithms further this week, in Computing. We practiced controlling a computer program by inputting code and creating algorithms using 2Code on Purple Mash. This allowed us complete challenges where we had to input a series of commands at once to make an algorithm then view the outputted process at the end. This meant we had to be able to spot where the algorithm went wrong and debug it!

This week in PE, the year 3’s continued with gymnastics. We looked at making symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes with our bodies using levels and even looked at how to travel in a symmetrical way. Using the apparatus, we travelled around the room in groups using our gymnastic stance and practiced carefully mounting and dismounting the equipment and showing our symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes.

Important Notices
- Please send your children to school in Forest School clothes on Monday.
- Each class has a school trip to Leeds City Museum next week – Class 5 (Tuesday), Class 6 (Thursday), Class 7 (Friday). Children need to wear school uniform and will be back at school in time for their normal lunch.
- Year 4 – If you have not completed the medical form for Robin Wood, please do this as soon as possible and send it back in to school. The deadline for this is 1st Feb.
Have a fab weekend
LKS2 Team