LKS2 – Newsletter – 28.04.2023
Another brilliant week in LKS2.
In English this week, we have continued our genre of poetry, this time, writing a Haiku. We have carried on with the theme of climate change, considering the different ways that climate change can affect our planet. Here is some of our amazing work:

In Maths, Miss Evans’ maths group had to solve the ‘deca tree’ problem. We had to use our skills of multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100, and apply it to multiple steps of problem solving. We used place value charts, base ten and counters with place value charts to help us when necessary.

In Year 3 maths, the children have been adding and subtracting units of measurement. They have had to draw upon their knowledge of mm, cm and m to help them with adding and subtracting different lengths.
In science, we thought about how to group different animals. To start with, we thought of as many different ways to group a variety of living things as possible. Then, we were introduced to the concept of classification keys. We played a game of ‘Guess Who?’ with different living things, practising using yes or no questions as a way to classify living things. Then, we were given 8 living things, and worked in groups to create classification keys using lots of questions.

In RE, we started our new topic and began to look at the question, ‘Why are Gurus at the heart of Sikhism?’. First we learned about the term ‘Guru’ and that it means ‘teacher’. Then we read the story of Guru Nanak, the first Guru who founded Sikhism. We read about his life and then, in groups we sequenced the story of his life and how he came to be the first Guru. Guru Nanak founded Sikhism, and today, Sikhs live all over the world. We used an atlas to locate the different countries where Sikhs live.
This week in French, we looked at the numbers 11 – 31. We listened to and repeated the words for the numbers in French. We also looked at how the words were spelt and made links to our learning and knowledge of numbers 1-10. We explored the patterns of how to say the numbers, such as vingt-six, and used these patterns to help us with our accuracy. We then practised saying the numbers on a carousel of activities.

Reminders of upcoming events:
Thursday –
There is a parent workshop on the 4th of May with a focus on reading.
Friday –
In order to celebrate the coronation children have the option to:
-Wear red, white and blue on Friday
-Design a crown to bring into school
-Write a story about ‘When the King lost his Crown’
Have a lovely weekend.
LKS2 team 🙂