LKS2 Newsletter 28/05/21
Happy Friday and happy holidays! It has been a fantastic week to finish a busy half term, and the children have worked hard right until the last day. Well done everyone for getting through our first full half term (!) since September!
In maths in Class 5, the children have carried on practicing their bus stop method for division. They have applied their skills to a variety of problem solving activities this week. One activity required them to match division calculations and answers by using bus stop to calculate each answer. They also had to work in groups to sort calculations into a Venn diagram by working out the calculation and seeing whether the answer had a remainder of 3 or a remainder of 4.

In Science, the children have continued learning about the digestive system. We looked in more detail at the role played by the mouth, the oesophagus, the stomach and the small and large intestines. Then the children did some role play. They worked in groups and had to assign each person to a part of the digestive system. The groups organized themselves into the correct order, and explained their specific role in digesting food.

To finish their work on short division, also known as bus stop, pupils in Class 6 tackled some extremely difficult reasoning and problem solving challenges. This included open ended investigations where pupils had to use given information before investigating possible answers. It wasn’t easy and the levels of determination and resilience were excellent!

This morning, the children had another go at building Roman aqueducts. They showed such fantastic resilience and teamwork during this challenge a couple of weeks ago, so we wanted to give them another chance to improve their designs. From the start they showed excellent reflection on what went well and what needed to be improved from last time, and used great problem solving skills to get the fresh water to the Roman town!

This week, LKS2 have embarked on a new project with a company called Rethink Food. The objective – to rethink how food is produced to meet the demands of a growing population whilst combating climate change. We discussed the current issues around food production, including space, soil quality and resources. In Class 6, the children began their own food production project – to grow, harvest and eat crops grown in the classroom without any soil whatsoever. They planted our seeds with the hope they will germinate over half-term. Fingers crossed!

Well done to our Learnatics this week, for showing an amazing attitude to their learning and producing some truly outstanding work!

We don’t have a picture for Class 6, but a big shout out to their Learnatics this week, Lily and Emmit. Also a special mention to Lily U in Class 6, who wrote such an incredible recount about Caesar’s assassination that she received 50 team points from Mrs Hunter – Wow!
After half term, the Year 4s in Class 7 will start swimming lessons on a Wednesday afternoon. The children in Class 5 will no longer be attending swimming lessons.
The first day back after the holidays (Monday 7th June)is a PE day, so please remember to send your child to school in their PE kit.
Thank you for your continued support and hard work this half term, we hope you have a restful and enjoyable holiday.
The LKS2 Team 🙂