LKS2 – Newsletter – 29.09.2023
The Year 3’s and 4’s have had a great week and have started to look at poetry. They have been looking at different types of poems including acrostic, alliterative and rhyming poems. We have annotated features of poems, compared them and even to have a go at writing some of our own. Today, we looked at the poetry competition, ‘This is me!’ and started to plan ideas for what we could write our poem on next week!
Over the course of this week, the children in Miss Chambers’ maths class helped Mrs Hunter find the cheapest price for furniture so that Class 6 can become a Therapeutic Classroom like Class 7. They looked at Mrs Hunter’s shopping list and how much the items would cost from different outlets. Then, they used a place value chart to aid their comparison of the 4-digit numbers. Finally, they filled out an order form to request the cheapest product.
This week, Year 3 and 4 have been continuing to learn gymnastics. The Year 3’s have been practising different jumps, including tuck jumps, star jumps and straight jump. We thought about how to land safely by bending our legs, looking straight ahead when we jump and controlling our jumps. Year 4’s had a recap on our partner balances from last week and then explored performing and landing rotation jumps. We have started to learn and understand the skills needed for jumps and balances and look forwards to developing the skills further!
This week, the children began our new topic in French! They learnt how to say hello (including, ‘bonjour’ and ‘salut’) and goodbye (including, ‘bonsoir’ and ‘bonne nuit’). Whilst learning the key phrases, they learnt our new sound. This included different words with the /j/ sound, that can be written j, ge or gi! Then, the children played different games to learn and remember the key vocabulary from the lesson. Firstly, they went on a word hunt, to strengthen their understanding of how to spell the lesson’s focused vocabulary. Secondly, they listened to music and greeted each other depending on whether the music made them feel it was morning or evening. Finally, they greeted each other based on different places, objects or people!
Today, in PSHE the Year 4 children explained how and why we should work well as a team, To explore this idea, they role played different scenarios and were given challenges to work as a team including ordering ourselves from the smallest to the biggest number without talking!
By the end of the lesson, some of their answers included; to help more people. to include everyone, to help each other learn.
The Year 3’s explored what a good friendship looked like, why it was important and how we treat our friends. Children thought about all the hobbies and interests that they shared with their friend. We then went and designed some name art detailing all the amazing interests they had.
Children picked out a name of an anonymous friend that they were going to be extra special to this week. We talked about all the ways we could be kind to one another and see if we can guess who our anonymous friend is.