LKS2 – Newsletter – 30.09.22
This week in English, we have been writing our own Stone Age poetry! We started the week by reading a poem and thinking about the key and ambitious vocabulary that was used. Then, we planned and acted our our own poems as a stimulus, to prepare us for our write. We have spent the last three days writing, editing and publishing. Here are a few (of many) brilliant examples! Well done LKS2!

In maths this week, Year 4 have been rounding numbers to 10. We have used lots of things to help us, including place value counters, base ten and number lines. We have practised fluency and today, some children had to find the mistake that Tiny made and explain it using their reasoning skills. Next week, we will be thinking round to 100 and 1000.

Year 3 had their first lesson learning French this week! We learnt lots of important actions to help us around the classroom, including, sit down, look at me and tuck your chair in. We played Simon says and charades to practise acting and speaking these actions.

Maths – we have been focusing on 1,10,100 more and less in 3 digit numbers. Children had to roll a dice to make a 3 digit number then pick an operation to make a number sentence. We also had to use our reasoning skills to answer some questions.
In PE we have been learning key netball skills including how to chest and bounce pass. Then we worked in small groups to practice passing and moving around a designated space.
Important Notices
7th October – Robin Wood payment deadline for Y4.
12th October – Times Table workshop in school for LKS2. Please see the app for more details.