LKS2 Newsletter 30/6/23
We’ve had another busy and fun filled week in LKS2…
In Year 3, the children have been looking at data collection and organisation. Today they created bar charts to show the number of different colours of starbursts in each packet. They created the chart practically then drew it in their books, and came up with questions to ask about the data.

In Year 4, the children have moved on to their ‘compare’ skill in reading. Today we compared the feelings of different characters in the text. We read a chapter about Leonard starting school in Manchester, and underlined evidence showing how different characters reacted to the situation. Then we placed the characters on a feelings line, and wrote a quote from the text next to each character to show evidence.

In Food Technology, we are continuing our tour of European cuisine. This week, we landed in Greece and made some tasty chicken Gyros!

On Thursday afternoon we had a fantastic time at our final Parent Event of the year. The children loved showing off their French skills, presenting their history projects and showing the adults how to make garlic butter. Thank you to everyone who came and made the afternoon extra special!
Next week
Please note that school is closed for Class 6 and Class 4 on Wednesday 5th and Friday 7th July due to NEU Strike Action. Class 7 is not affected and will remain open all week.
We hope you have a lovely weekend.
The LKS2 Team 🙂