LKS2 & UKS2 – Sports Day – 20.07.21
On Tuesday 20th July, LKS2 and UKS2 will be taking part in their sports days. On this day, please can you ensure your children come to school in their P.E kits (including trainers) and bring with them a hat, water bottle and sun cream (labelled with their name).
As the rules around self-isolation do not change until the 16th of August, we will continue to follow our existing risk assessment and control measures until the end of the summer term on Thursday 22nd July. As a result of this, unfortunately parents/carers will not be allowed on site to watch the sports day. We appreciate that you will be disappointed, however with rates in Leeds increasing we are doing this to protect children, families and staff and avoid having to tell families they need to isolate for the first few weeks of the holidays.
…the local authority is of the opinion that you should continue to follow your existing risk assessment and control measures until the end of term.
(Director of children and families sent this to schools on 7/7/2021)
We will ensure that plenty of pictures of the children are taken on the day and posted on the website so that you have something to refer to when discussing the events with your children after school.
Thank you
Mr Kershaw