LKS2 – Year 3 – PE

The Year 3s had a brilliant PE lesson in the sun this afternoon, carrying on working on our cricket skills. Today’s focus was fielding, and the children completed some games which required accurate throwing and catching skills. Firstly, they got into pairs and stood at opposite cones which represented their ‘planet’. After completing 2 passes of the tennis ball, they had to run to another planet in the galaxy and complete 2 more passes. In 1 minute they had to travel around the whole galaxy! After this, the children worked in groups of 6. 3 children had to complete 20 passes of the tennis ball, whilst another 2 children acted as the batters, counting how many runs they could complete. When the fielders had thrown the ball 20 times, they passed it to their wicket keeper and the runners had to stop. There was some great teamwork, communication and fielding skills on display – well done, Year 3!

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