LKS2 – Year 4 – Golden Acre Park
The Year 4s had a fantastic day at Breary Marsh and Golden Acre Park yesterday!
After walking down to the woods, the children started a ‘Wildlife Watch’ exercise. We explored the area and looked out for different types of animals, and kept a tally of the different animals we saw and their classification. The animal we saw the most of was definitely birds! Robins, mandarin ducks and swans to name a few. Then we split into smaller groups to complete some Forest Schools activities. The children created a boundary by tying a coloured ribbon to a nearby tree, and we played a hide and seek game to familiarise ourselves with the area. Then, we learned about compasses. We looked at how a real compass always points North, then learned the 8 points of a compass. Finally, we used natural resources to create our own compass on the forest floor.
We enjoyed our lunch sat in the sunshine outside the Golden Acre Park cafe. Then we started our afternoon activity, which was to create a sketch map of Golden Acre Park. We used existing maps to help us locate the various landmarks of the park, and walked along to the duck pond, spotting features like the old railway as we walked. We spotted lots of things that we learnt about when finding information for our local history study, on Tuesday.
After a fun afternoon, we set off back to school. The children had a fabulous attitude to all the challenges of the day, and overall it was a brilliant day!