EYFS – Newsletter – 13.3.20

What a busy week it has been here in Reception!

Thank you all for attending the parent’s consultations earlier in the week. It was nice to chat to you all about the great learning and progress the children are making.

The children thoroughly enjoyed the Science Day today and discovered vocabulary and materials that they had not used before. There were some super discussions about the strength of Rapunzel’s hair! 

This week the children have learnt about positional language and capacity in math sessions. Next week we will be moving onto subtraction using physical objects.

In Literacy we will be learning the ear and ow phonemes and the children will be continuing to write sentences with increasing accuracy. Thank you for your efforts at home with reading. We have an enormous amount of children moving their reading rockets each week and it’s really paying off in the children’s writing too.

For obvious reasons, the children and staff are being thorough with hand washing every day. Please continue to wash hands thoroughly at home at regular intervals. If your child complains of sore hands, rest assured our school soap is alcohol free and kind to children’s hands. However, more sensitive skin may benefit from a gentler cleanser. If you want to provide some then please label it with their name and pass it to a member of staff.

Important dates

Thursday 26th March – Rainbow Factory. Please ensure you have paid on Parent Pay.

Next week is PE

Contact Us

Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
