Reception – Forest School

What a wonderful session we’ve had this morning! To begin with, we linked our learning from our topic of ‘Let It Grow’ to assess the quality of soil on our school field. After a discussion about why soil is important, what function it plays and the important jobs worms do above and beneath the soil, we split into teams to dig up a piece of turf to see which had the most worms in. In order to help us, we jumped up and down on the spot to replicate rain as these vibrations draw worms to the surface. When we had done some careful counting and comparisons, we then decided which area had the best soil and planted a pair of Mrs Arnott’s cotton pants! The idea is that the worms will decompose the cotton, leaving behind the elastic waist. We are already excited to see the results when we dig them up in July! After this excitement, we spent the rest of the session in our Forest School area where there was the mud kitchen, sand pit, slack line and tree house to play on. There was also an activity of ‘earthing up’ the potatoes we planted before the Easter holidays and children helped Mr Gamble at the fire pit to cook popcorn which was a delicious, tasty snack on a lovely sunny day. 

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