UKS2 – Newsletter – 03.02.2022

It has been a great week in UKS2! In English, the children used roleplay to explore the main points from our scene in Stars Wars.

Their task was to work in small groups to develop the characters from the clip and use dialogue to show emotion, as well as developing what can be seen and heard.

We asked key questions like: how might each character feel? Why are they travelling to the planet? Who are they visiting? Why are they visiting? What can they see?

Today in history we investigated the history of space exploration. Using some secondary sources to provide us with background knowledge of what space exploration has provided for us, we discussed, selected and chronologically ordered what was, in our opinion, the ten most influential events of space exploration. We then generated our own timelines in our books.


In Forest School, the children continued their bird box projects.

Class 9 went out into the garden and practised their skills with the tools. This included using bow saws, saws, palm drills, whittling knives and hammering nails. The children will use these skills to create their bird box later this term!

Classes 8 and 10 brought their research to life and used the watercolours to create beautiful and intricate pieces of artwork of birds.

Our learnatics for this week are: Joseph and Tess (Class 8), Ellis and Maddison (Class 9) and Yusuf and Michael (Class 10) 

You’re all amazing. Keep up the hard work. Ooh ahh you’re a star!!!

Remember, Monday (07.02.2022) is our cross-curricular day so children need to come to school in suitable Forest School clothing. Class 8 will be going to Golden Acre Park in the minibus. They will be returning to school for lunch, so arrangements can remain the same. 

Have a brilliant weekend. We will see you on Monday

UKS2 team. 

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LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500