UKS2 – Newsletter – 12.01.24
This week in maths, Mrs T’s group have been learning about how to calculate the radius and diameter of a circle. Miss Boyd’s group have been continuing with long multiplication using the formal written method. Miss Barnicoat’s class have moved on to dividing 4 digit numbers by a one digit number using the short division bus stop method. Mr Kershaw’s maths group have been continuing with fractions.
In science, we all became evolutionary scientists! To begin with, we researched our chosen evolutionary scientist, either Charles Darwin, Mary Anning or Alfred Wallace. After we researched our chosen evolutionary scientist, we all came together and discussed how we could have a go at becoming our own evolutionary scientists! We each were given a theory from our chosen scientist, and in groups we had to research, understand and back up either Charles Darwin’s, Mary Anning’s or Alfred Wallace’s theory with scientific evidence.
In geography, we used atlas’ to locate the countries and their capital cities in both North and South America.
We started our new topic in computing and focused on recapping our knowledge of Scratch. We looked at creating our own programs by adapting the background, characters (Sprites), movements and sounds by creating a code. Some of our codes didn’t run as smoothly as we hoped, therefore we went back through and looked over each step to debug the problems. To end the lesson, we were given some challenges to complete, and some that had problems that we had to debug.