UKS2 – Newsletter – 12.11.2021

It has been an action packed week in UKS2 and all pupils have worked extremely hard to produce some outstanding work!

On Wednesday, all pupils  developed their understanding of Venn Diagrams and classifying animals.  Students worked together to discuss the similarities and differences of a number of animals. Using a Venn Diagram, the students then grouped the animals into different categories, this may have included; vertebrates and invertebrates, insects, fish, birds, reptiles etc.   


On Thursday, all of UKS2 went outside for their weekly Forest School session. Students worked in small groups to continue developing their fire building skills.

Today in English, pupils further debated who was responsible for Icarus’ death. Using the debate corners of the classroom, pupils were given the opportunity to voice their opinion on who they believe was responsible. Students then worked in smaller groups to gather their evidence together and make their view points stronger. 

Our learnatics for this week are: Shahad and Sam (Class 8), Faith, Fraya and Lily (Class 9) and Emre (Class 10). Well done! Keep up the amazing work! Ooh ah, you’re a star!

Finally, next Monday (15.11.21)  is a Forest School day so children need to come to school in the appropriate clothing.

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