UKS2 – Newsletter – 21.03.25

What a fantastic week it has been in UKS2! 

Today, the children enjoyed a Now>Press>Play experience about Anglo Saxon village life. This immersed them into daily routines for an Anglo-Saxon child. Until, they happen upon a Viking camp who were planning to burn down their village! The children had to consider how to warn their village and how to save their beloved village.

This week, a group of girls completed a taster tag rugby session at lunchtime. Focusing on passing, alignment and communication, the girls completed a range of drills and challenges focusing on the basics of tag rugby. Lots of fun was had! Well done girls!

This week in maths, Miss Barnicoat’s group took to the playground with some chalk. They were challenged with creating their own rectilinear shapes, setting questions – including those which require you to calculate the missing edges – and solving them. The children showed great resilience and determination and really worked hard to challenge themselves and each other. Well done! 

Year 5 had a fantastic day at the Bradford Science and Media museum!

Throughout the day the children engaged with our science topics for this term, which included: light, earth and space. Our trip to the IMAX cinema saw the children take a journey through the stratosphere with an inspiring look at the wonder of space travel. The 3-D experience was mesmerising and captured our human curiosity to explore worlds beyond our own.

The “Invest and Imagine” workshop brought complex scientific ideas to life. Through various science experiments, the children explored key scientific ideas like: curiosity, creativity and commitment. They got stuck into various parts of the workshop – even dropping water on Miss Barnicoat’s head! In the Wonderlab, the children experimented with science. To do this, they investigated how light and sound work through an amazing range of fun, interactive exhibits. In the David Hockney gallery, the children drew inspiration from his innovative use of photography and digital techniques. They even created some of their own pieces of art inspired by his work. In the Kodak gallery, the children engaged with the story of photography, from the earliest cameras to the digital photographs of today. It illustrated changes in society since the Victorian era, as well as the development of photographic technology.

It was a fantastic day – and we are really proud of how the children were ambassadors for Cookridge Primary School!

Monday (24.03.25) will be cross-curricular day so please ensure children are dressed suitably for Forest School. 

We hope you have a fantastic weekend!

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