UKS2 Newsletter – 21.10.22
What a fantastic half-term it has been! It’s been both a busy and fun half-term which has been great to see the children coming back to school with a positive attitude for learning.
This week in mathematics, the children consolidated their learning about place value. This included children in Year 5 tackling the challenge of ordering and comparing numbers as part of a role-play activity. They worked collaberatively to sort out “Miss Chambers’ All You Could Ever Need Shop”‘s storeroom and organsie the products from most to least expensive. One whiteboards, they justified their order and demonstrated their strong understanding of place value.
In history this week, the children developed their ability to pose historically valid questions. They were given sources of three different natural disasters through time, and generated their own questions. They were fantastic historians and engaged thoroughly with the source material.
Also, well done to Harry in Class 9 this week for receiving a 50 Team Point award from Mrs Hunter! See the image below for the impressive replica spitfire Harry has created. With his Grandad, he has made this replica using his woodwork skills. Alongside his DT project, he has written a very informative non-chronological report to provide further information about World War II and spitfires. Well done!

Well done, also, to our Learnatics this week: Isabella, Emma, Jovie, Freddie, Lola and Jude. Absolutely fantastic work!
We hope you all have a wonderful half-term break and we look forward to being back on Monday 31st October. It will be our cross-curricular day, so children will need to come in Forest School clothing.