UKS2 – Newsletter – 26.04.24

It has been a brilliant week in UKS2.

On Monday in Forest School, UKS2 constructed their own ‘Anderson Shelters’. After discussing the features and function of an Anderson Shelter, the children used all the resources they could find to create their own ‘bomb resistant’ shelter. There was some excellent shelter building skills on display, as well as some superb teamwork. Well done!

This week in English, Year 5 used Now>Press>Play to engage with an immersive WWII experience. After hearing the news of the declaration of war, the children were evacuated to the countryside. Here, they took part in the dig for victory. Upon their return to London, they were caught up in an air raid experience from the Blitz. The children will be using this experience to inform their upcoming recount about the Battle of Britain. 

This week in maths, Miss Barnicoat’s class have been focusing on the skills of calculating the area and perimeter of composite rectilinear shapes. After ascertaining which operation they should use for each calculation, the children then progressed to more complex shapes; finding missing side lengths and splitting shapes in order to solve the problems. Well done Year 5!

Finally, in computing this week, pupils combined the use of search technology, with organising information in spreadsheets. They researched the allied and axis nations of WWII and using 2calculate (on PurpleMash) they organised their information into a spreadsheet format.

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