UKS2 – Newsletter – 5.11.21
It has been an exciting first week back in UKS2. On Monday, UKS2 had their first cross-curricular day of the year. In Forest School, the children braved the terrible Autumn weather to practice their fire building skills. After revisiting the basics of creating fire lays, the children put the theory into the practice and attempted to build fires. Despite the conditions not working in their favour, the pupils were resilient and were able to build, light and sustain fires in the fire pit. Well done!
In science, the children were focusing on their working scientifically objectives. After collecting ‘Class Variation’ data, including: height, eye colour and arm span. The children created tables and drew bar graphs to analyse and display the distribution. Well done everyone.
On Wednesday, UKS2 imagined they were a citizen in Ancient Greece. They learnt about the four main types of governance in Ancient Greece: monarchy, oligarchy, tyranny and democracy. The children worked as groups to use information from videos and written discourse to create a detailed poster about the for and against arguments for each type of governance.
Then, the children decided for themselves which governance would have been best to live under in Ancient Greece. The children then passionately debated as a class why their governance was best and why.
Our learnatics for this week are: Samy and Sevi (Class 8), Nisha and Jake (Class 9) and Taylah and Esther (Class 10). Well done! Keep up the amazing work! Ooh ah, you’re a star!
Finally, next Monday (8.11.21) is a PPA day so children need to come to school in appropriate PE kit (the weather is getting colder, so we recommend jogging bottoms and sweatshirts).