UKS2 – Newsletter – w.c. 03.03.25

What a fantastic week it has been in UKS2! We particularly enjoyed World Book Day yesterday and enjoyed the range of creativity shown in children’s outfits, poetry and creative hat making!

World Book Day

Yesterday was World Book Day and UKS2 had a fun-filled day. All pupils attend a workshop with an incredible poet known as Donavan Christopher. He showed students had to create fun and engaging rhyming poems and gave the students knowledge and confidence to not only write their own poems, but to perform them in front of the whole phase! Alongside this,  each class had a go at creating ‘reading hats’ based around a book of their choice.

Forest School – Pancakes

To celebrate Shrove Tuesday, and despite some disruption to sessions due to completing the FunMoves session, pupils in UKS2 made pancakes with a variety of toppings at the fire pit as part of their Forest School session. Children followed a recipe, lit and maintained a fire before cooking the mixture using frying pans over an open fire. There was a varied choice of toppings but who needs that when you can put a lot of every single one on your pancake like most of the children did! As always, throughout the session there was excellent communication between groups, lots of problem solving and trial and error and co-operation within teams to work towards a common goal. Well done UKS2!

English – Battle of Hasting Roleplay

This week, all pupils in UKS2 had an English lesson based around the Battle of Hastings. The lesson allowed pupils to develop their understanding of both the Anglo-Saxon and Norman weaponry, leaders and tactics. Pupils used the school grounds to role-play the battle to help consolidate their understanding. As a final task, pupils were asked to generate quotes from the battle to help with the newspaper report they will be completing over the next few weeks.  

Artist of the week

Charlotte T. Year 5. Fantastic sketchbook work. Charlotte has made her marks look like stitches as in the Bayeux tapestry- well done!

Year 6 only – Newby Wiske Hall

This is just a reminder to please continue to pay for your child’s Year 6 residential over the coming months as this trip is fast approaching and we are unable to take children who have not paid. Please find attached the original letter that was sent out regarding this in October.

Newby Wiske Hall – Parent Meeting Letter

Please get in touch if you would like to discuss the residential or payment with us. Thank you.

The week ahead…

Monday 10th March will be cross-curricular day. Please ensure that children come prepared for Forest School.

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West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500