UKS2 – Weekly Work – Class 8, 9 and 10

Happy Wednesday everyone!

It is that time of the week again where we set some new activities to complete on both Spelling Shed and Mathletics.

We would like to give a huge shout out to both Mr Kershaw’s and Miss Barnicoat’s maths groups as their classes have completed the most activities on Mathletics!

This week’s work to be completed is as follows; 

Spelling Shed:

Year 5 and 6 Spellings that include the spelling rules ance, ant and ation


Miss Barnicoat’s Maths Group  Multiplying and Dividing Mental (6 activities) 
Mrs Tillotson’s Maths Group Fraction Calculations (7 activities) 
Mr Maldonado’s Maths Group Patterns and Algebra (7 activities) 
Mr Kershaw’s Maths Group Fractions (7 activities) 


Please also remember to continue looking at the home learning pages of the school website for work in all subject areas! 

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