Wellbeing Wednesday – Forest School

Today in our Forest School sessions we have been linking our work to Easter and eggs. To begin with, we played a game where pupils stood in a circle, closed their eyes and said the first thing that came to their mind when Mr Gamble said a word. For example, if he said pizza, children replied with delicious, hot, tasty etc. When he said Easter, the majority of pupils said eggs which led the children down an egg themed session. The group then went on an egg hunt around the garden, trying to find all 15 eggs which had been expertly hidden! We then discussed what animals laid eggs and how birds in particular kept them safe. We looked at two example nests where we talked about their features and construction, and discussed what predators may want to eat the eggs or chicks. Finally, we then had a go at building our own nests to keep our eggs safe but, in true Forest School style, we turned into birds ourselves and were only allowed to use a peg (replicating the bird’s beak) to build a nest. At the end, we all agreed it was extremely difficult and that birds are super builders, weavers and highly skilled crafters! 

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