Wellbeing Wednesday – Forest School

Today in Forest School, the group reaped the benefits of what they’d been working on since last September. Way back in the autumn, the children designed a brand-new strawberry bed for our school kitchen garden. Once completed, they set to work with installing the wooden edges before shifting what seemed like a never-ending pile of rotting grass and compost to fill the bed. In the spring, the children carefully bedded in numerous strawberry plants and have been watering them and delicately weeding around them as the summer has progressed. Then today the pupils experienced the reward and satisfaction of a job well done by getting to eat the very first fruits from our plants! They all agreed the strawberries were delicious! Afterwards, we discussed the sense of satisfaction and achievement we felt and took this into completing some maintenance jobs in the garden area. These included weeding the kitchen garden, trimming back some overgrown hedges, litter picking and cleaning out the goat enclosure. We were all so busy working hard that Mr Gamble didn’t get the chance to take many photos!

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