Whole School – Pattern Day

Over the course of the year, myself and Miss Nodding have been conducting some research into the importance of pattern and spatial reasoning and how this corresponds to being a successful mathematician later in life. A key piece of research has found that young children’s ability to spot mathematical patterns can predict later mathematical achievement, more than other abilities such as counting (Rittle-Johnson et al, 2016).

Pattern spotting can take place in a whole variety of environments and ways. This varies from spotting patterns in nature, board games, drawings and even the pattern of the day. The Early Years curriculum has a specific focus on pattern which is then not explicitly transferred through to the National Curriculum in maths for the rest of primary school. 

Another key factor of being a successful mathematician is spatial reasoning. Spatial resoning is our ability to understand how and where our body is in relation to the world around us and how these interact with one another. This then allows children to be able to visualise what they have seen and experienced and call on these memories when facing future problems. Maths relies heavily on spatial reasoning as children will often need to visualise shapes, fractions, numbers on a number line etc.

To raise awareness and the importance of these key skills, school will be having a ‘Pattern Day’ on Thursday 23rd May 2024 (the final day of this half term). The children will be taking part in a whole variety of activities that use pattern and spatial reasoning skills. This may include completing jigsaws, creating a sequence in dance or even following instructions to build lego! Each class will also be creating their own version of a book inspired by a story called ‘Pattern Fish’!

As part of the day we would love children to dress in non-uniform that is pattern inspired! This could be pattern through colour, spots, stripes or however creative you can be at home!

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact myself or your child’s class teacher.

Mr Kershaw

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0113 386 2500
