Y2 – Loose Parts – Forest School

Pupils in Year 2 have continued their work on loose parts today with some wonderful sessions outside on the school field. First of all, we recapped the ‘Fire and Tarps’ game from last time which focusses on speaking and listening as well as tactical thinking and teamwork. Next, we looked more in depth at loose parts; discussing what they are, where to find them, how to use them and then return them to where we found the item. All the children were great in this activity and were confident in sharing what they had found and described characteristics of their loose part to the group. Finally, teams were given a toy animal and challenged to create a home for it using only loose parts. The pupils were fantastic! They created homes with roofs, beds, tables, food stores, toilets, security systems including alarms, cameras and booby traps and play equipment like slides and zipwires! Excellent creativity and imagination Year 2!

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