Y3 newsletter 4/3/22
This week the Y3s have had a week full of creativity, whilst the Y4s have been on their residential!
On Wednesday, Miss Evans’ class enjoyed having a go at the mannequin challenge – making an outfit out of recycled materials. They designed their outfit all together, thinking carefully about the materials to use and the patterns we could create. Then they found lots of creative ways to make decorations, for example making flowers out of bottle tops and carboard, and making a T Shirt from crisp packets!
In Miss Boyd’s English group this week, we recapped on syllables and sound families. For the main part of the week, we focused on our year 3 / 4 common exception word list. We completed activities which allowed us to practice the spellings we were unsure of. One of the activities asked us to follow the correctly spelt CEWs to solve the mysteries. The other activity asked us to use a coding system to work out the CEW. We then practiced writing out the words and using the coding system to create a coded CEW for our partner. We completed these activities over a 2 day carousel.

In PE, we recapped our learning from last half term in gymnastics. Using the equipment, we explored different ways of travelling. We also talked about how to make symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes with our bodies.

World Book Day on Thursday was an opportunity for us to let our imaginations run wild! The children all looked fantastic in their various costumes, and it was wonderful to see how enthusiastic they all were about their favourite books. Among other things, they enjoyed setting up the ‘Book Swap Shop’ in the classroom and choosing new books, watching a World Book Day live event (with real authors!) and making up their own imaginary setting which they then created in the afternoon.

Well done Y3 for a fantastic week! We hope you all have a lovely weekend 🙂