Y6 Only – DWF – World of Work Visit

Reminder: If you haven’t yet completed the below form, please do so as soon as possible as the first group will be attending next week. 

Over the last few years, in the summer term, Year 6 have worked closely with DWF (a city centre law firm) where we aim to inspire children, raise aspirations and give them a taste of what working in the real world is like. The trip, which includes tours of the office, meeting solicitors and judges, and even carrying out their own courtroom debate, is a great opportunity for children to explore what they may want to do when they grow-up.

As part of the work experience, we board the train at Horsforth Train Station along with other commmuters and then walk through part of Leeds city centre to the office. We also return on the train. Each pupil will go on two days (1 full day and a half day) and we will split in to two groups as follows:

  • Tuesday 18th and Thursday 20th June – Group A
  • Tuesday 25th and Thursday 27th June – Group B

Your child will receive a slip informing them of which group they will be in.

On the days that your child is attending, your child will need to bring a packed lunch as we eat at the office. Only pupils who receive Free School Meals will be provided with a packed lunch; however, they can still bring their own if they wish. We recommend that children bring their lunch in a carrier bag – this means they don’t have to carry an empty packed lunch back to school.

In order to cover the cost of the train, we ask that a minimum donation of £5.50 is made via Parent Pay.

Please fill out the form below to give permission for your child to attend.

Contact Us

Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
