Year 4 – World Book Day
Last week, before their trip to Robinwood, Year 4 celebrated World Book Day!
We started the day by telling our friends about the costumes we were wearing, and also talking about our favourite stories and books around the fire pit, before Miss Bennett read us some of our class reader – The Witches by Roahl Dahl.
Our day was all about imagination and using the best descriptive language to create a fantasy setting. We read lots of extracts from some of our favourite books and imagined the settings. To compare, we watched the parallel film clips to inspire us, and gathered adjectives using a thesaurus. We also looked at setting descriptions from book such as Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, and Harry Potter, and used a highlighter to pick out the effective adjectives and similes. Then we wrote all about our very own descriptive setting. In the afternoon, we made our setting by drawing, painting, and using recyclable materials. The children’s enthusiasm and range of ideas were brilliant, and we all had a fantastic day to start of a great week.