Year 6 – Final Residential Arrrangements

Good afternoon,

We are just a few days away from our residential to Newby Wiske Hall and we are all very excited! Below I have outlined some key information that you need to be aware of before we go – some of this has been sent out previously.

Packed Lunch

On the Monday that we go (01.07.24) your chid will need to bring a packed lunch with them as they will eat this on arrival at Newby Wiske Hall. Please ensure no items within the lunch contain nuts. This includes Nutella chocolate spread and Kinder Bueno bars. Any items containing nuts will be removed. Please send this packed lunch in a named plastic carrier bag. This means they will not need to look after a packed lunch box for the remainder of the trip. All other food on the trip is provided. If your child receives Free School Meals school can provide a packed lunch.


If your child requires any medication that they would usually take at home, it is vital that this is brought in a sealed clear bag and clearly labelled. You will also need to fill in the medication form that has been sent out previously (if you need another one please ask at the school office). The form and medication should then be given to one of the staff members attending first thing in the morning on that day. This includes any inhalers. If the form is not completed, we will not be able to administer any medication.


Pupils can bring a maximum of £10 with them to spend at the PGL shop. Please can all money be placed in a named wallet/purse/sandwich bag. This will need to be handed to staff on the morning of the residential who will look after the money until we visit the shop.


No electronics of any type are permitted on the trip. This includes items such as mobile phones, digital cameras, smart watches and hair dryers. School staff will be taking plenty of pictures of the visit and these will be put on the website upon our return.

Departing and Returning

We will be leaving Cookridge between 10.30 and 11.00 on the Monday and we will be returning before the end of the school day on Wednesday. Children must be collected by an adult on their collection list – children will not be allowed to walk home alone. If for any reason we are going to be late back, school will send a notification to parents as soon as possible.

Kit List

Attached below is a recommended kit list that PGL have provided along with an activity kit list. We would always recommend looking at the weather forecast and packing accordingly (hats/sun cream etc.). You will see from the list of suggested items to bring that your child will not need any special clothes or equipment. You do not need to purchase brand new clothing. Children must bring their own sleeping bag for their bed.

Please ensure all clothing has your child’s name in and I would also recommend bringing a bin liner so they can throw their dirty clothes in throughout – this really helps to avoid lost items!

PGL Kit List

What to Wear Activity Checklist


Please ensure full payment is made before Monday. If you need to discuss this with us further, please conatct school as soon as possible.

We’re really excited for the adventure that awaits and we are sure that our children will love every minute! If you have any questions between now and Monday, please get in touch and we will do our best to answer them!

Mr Kershaw

Contact Us

Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500