Year 6 Only – DWF Law – World of Work Visit – Payment Update
Update: Apologies that this wasn’t clear in the initial post – the cost of the train is £2.50 per visit – meaning the total cost will be £7.50 (half price for Pupil Premium). Parent Pay has been updated to reflect this.
Next half term, Year 6 have been invited to take part in a ‘World of Work’ visit at one of the country’s leading law firms – DWF.
The aim of the visit is to give children a real life experience of what working in a city centre would be like. It includes a tour of the office, a chance to ask questions and work with solicitors on a variety of projects, as well as leading their own courtroom debate.
To maximise the experience, we take children on the train along with other commuters – this also reduces the cost of travel as coaches are very expensive to hire.
Each child will take part in three consecutive sessions as follows:
- Group A – 7th, 8th, 14th June
- Group B – 15th, 21st, 22nd June
- We will notify your child with a slip stating which group they are in.
On the days of their visit, we ask that the children arrive at school at 8.30am in order to allow us time to walk down to the train station.
The children will need to bring a packed lunch (unless you receive Free School Meals) as we will eat lunch there before returning.
We ask that a donation of £2.50 be made towards the cost of the trip to cover the cost of the train per visit. This will appear on Parent Pay.
Please fill out the form below to give permission for your child to attend: