Year 6 Only – Ralph Thoresby Transition Event
On Monday (19.07.2021), those children from Year 6 who will be attending Ralph Thoresby next year will have a transition event at 10.10am. They should arrive at school as normal on Monday, wearing their school uniform, and the Year 6 staff will walk the children to RTS for the event. The children will have a tour of the school, meet some teachers and begin to get more of a feel for what life will be like at high school. We have ensured measures are in place so that there will be no contact with any RTS pupils in order to avoid any ‘bubble’ mixing. We will be at Ralph Thoresby for less than an hour so children will have lunch in school as normal. As this is a local walk, we do not need you to complete a permission form.
Any pupils that are not attending Ralph Thoresby next year should attend school as normal and will complete other activities with the UKS2 staff during this time.
We appreciate that this is not the ideal transition process; however, given the circumstances it is the most we are able to do. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to contact school and ask for Mr Kershaw.